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Philosophies & Objectives  

Ensuring honesty and fairness in all our dealings, and building strong relationships based on mutual respect and trust.
Nurturing the powerful entrepreneurial spirit instilled by the founder; constantly seeking out new markets to explore and invest; and continually innovating and developing solutions to satisfy customers' needs and rising expectations.
Cultivating and strengthening mutually rewarding relationships with our business partners. These include joint-venture partners, customers, employees, suppliers and government.
Striving to achieve excellence in everything we do.

Maximise profits to reward our people; fuel growth and maintain fair returns on investment for shareholders.
Provide the best value to customers by giving them products and services that are of the highest quality, and at competitive prices.
We pursue steady and sustainable growth by identifying and satisfying customers' needs.
Provide opportunities and resources to help our people develop themselves to their fullest potential; instil a sense of pride and satisfaction in their work; and help achieve a higher standard of living for all as we progresses.

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